Car Air Conditioning

Is Your Car Air Conditioning Feeling A Bit Hot?

It May Be Time For A Regas, or Book for an A/C Service Today!

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Having problems with your car air conditioning unit? It may be lacking refrigerant.

Over time, a leak may be present due to dried out seals or pipes in your air conditioning unit.
Platinum Automotive Care can help to identify the whereabouts of the gas leak, or diagnose why your air conditioning system is no longer cooling your car cabin.

  • Does the air feel warm/hot?
  • Is the humidity very sticky?
  • Is the temperature still hot even if the air con is on full?

To put and end to this concern, call us for a regas or diagnosis today. Platinum Automotive can help you deal with and get rid of this concern right away. Don’t put up with the extreme heat in Summer, or risk poor visibility due to fogged up windows in Winter.
Booking for a regas or diagnosis with us is easy. All you have to do to contact us is by clicking the “Make an appointment now” button, or call us on (02) 9316-8382.

Get quality services and be satisfied. Car air conditioning may not be a problem to you now but when the burden comes your way, you know who to call. Most luxurious rides have air cons that function superbly and when your car lacks that factor, you may never enjoy and have a relaxing ride. Make your car convenient and comfortable at the same time. Every regas with Platinum Automotive Care comes with the addition of fluro dye for any future leak detection test.

Platinum Automotive Care are fully accredited by the Australian Refrigerant Council (ARC Licence AU38701).
Trust only the professionals since we have undergone proper training in the safe handling of refrigerant gas. We also have the appropriate tools & machinery to get your air conditioning unit working again. Our services are worth the cash that you will allocate.

If your air conditioning is smelling a bit musty, we can also carry out an A/C disinfection program to help kill off any bacteria & mold that may have built up over time inside your vehicle cabin. Ask about the A/C disinfection program with our friendly staff today.


Platinum Automotive stands for complete customer satisfaction. You will find expertise and commitment to quality at Platinum Automotive Care.